When in London… why not take a day trip to Oxford? Yes, the Oxford University, located in the city of Oxford, in… Oxfordshire County. 😊 This iconic college town is like no other. With its haunting blend of Gothic, Victorian, and Baroque architecture, coupled with a palpable sense of history and mystery, Oxford will have your jaw dragging on its cobblestone streets. How to Get to Oxford from London Getting from London to Oxford is a breeze, making it perfect for a day trip: Once you’re there, Oxford is one of the UK’s most walkable cities. You can also rent a bike, take public transit, ride-share, or try a quintessentially…
Hunting for Treasures & Odd Artifacts in the British Museum
Considered to be one of the largest museums in the world, the British Museum is truly magnificent. With free admission, it’s a must-see stop on your first trip to London. People cherish a chance to visit the British Museum and dedicate an entire day or two to admire its vast treasures. Be it the Rosetta Stone, Assyrian Lion Hunt Reliefs, Parthenon Marbles, Egyptian Mummies, Hoa Hoakananai’a (The Easter Island statue below), or more obscure ones, like the artifacts we were after. With over 80 MILLION items in its collection, only one percent is currently on display – that’s 800,000 things to look at, and you don’t want to miss a…
Stonehenge: A Mystery, History, and Magic Day Trip from London
Stonehenge was the number one destination during our first visit to the United Kingdom. And how could it not? Shrouded in mystery, popularized in literature and movies, it’s like the Holy Grail forged in Stone. However, our friends in the UK proclaimed our visit to Stonehenge to be “the last time they take anybody there again.” Why, might you wonder? Well, let’s start with this tidbit of information on transportation options and what to expect when you visit this 5,000-year-old mystical site. DISCLAIMER: We visited Stonehenge before Covid-19. Check their website for opening times and tours. Transportation We piled into our friends’ car in Twickenham, a charming suburban town southwest of London…